What is in my indoor air?

Dust Mites

Dust Mites

Dust mites are….

Dust mites live….

Short term health effects include….

Long term heal effects can….

The best thing you can do is….



Pollen comes from….

Depending on the type of pollen, it can stay in the air…

Short term effects can include…

The best preventative measure you can take is.. 

Pet Hair

Pet Hair

For both cats and dogs, pet dander is…

Short hair does mean less hair, but….



Who doesn’t like sitting next to a fire…

Although they are not the same, secondhand smoke…

Inhaling wildfire smoke…

Smoke particles can be extremely small…



The best places for mold to grow are..

Although black mold is one of the most dangerous types…..

An air purifier will surely help capture mold spores, but….



There are several different reasons you can be smelling odor in your house….

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Strategically placing your air purifier near odors should…

There are several models of air purifiers specifically design for cat litter odor..

V.O.C.'s & Fumes


Fumes in the household can include…

Volatile organic compounds are…

Some of the most dangerous fumes inside a house are…



Yes. The most common types of airbone bacteria are…

There are many models on the market that are specifically designed for trapping bacteria…



Current air purifiers don’t typically “kill” viruses, but they can trap them….

Every virus comes in different shapes and sizes….

Nothing is full proof against protecting yourself against COVID- 19, however… 

Asbestos & Radon


A difficult question to answer, but asbestos can still be found in home that have not been modified…

Radon appears to stem from…

Statistically, asbestos can cause health problems including….


Radon can cause…

There are monitors and tests kits that can be found online, but professionals generally have equipment that can be test for accurate readings….



Some of the most common are..

Unfortunately it sure has. It has also been found in kerosene space heaters….

As like many purifiers to capture chemicals…



Benzene is…

Aplastic Anemia


Chronic Solvent Erythroleukemia

Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia

Acute Myelogenous Leukemia, Acute toxic solvent effects

It is a very common chemical used in a variety of products- even today…

A common air filter may not protect you again benzene..